47 photos   3383 visits
O - O HiO - O Something about meeeeO - O This is me

member since 23 March 2011

O - O Something about meeee

Hey guys, I'm the REAL Jenna Marie Mason. I have no clue why people pose as me. (: ♥ The person who I love the most is: Jeydon Wale: Why? Because he's cute and sweet. (: ♥ Love you!
Taylor Allison Swift ♥
Justin Drew Bieber ♥
Christian Jacob Beadles ♥
Caitlin Victoria Beadles ♥
Selena Marie Gomez ♥My name is Jenna(: also known as sitemodel Jenna Marie. just to clear things up, I DO NOT SITEMODEL ANYMORE,AND DON'T HAVE A SITEMODEL ACCOUNT. now that u know that; here's a few things about me: so of course my name's Jenna, a cute nickname is also welcome (: I'm from a state in the United States, if u know wut state; more power to u, I guess. I was born in new milford, NJ. I'm not a natural blonde, I'm brunette. my birthday is on October 30th, get me something (: I'd perfer my gift to be Justin Bieber with a bo on his head. yupp, I have a huge obsession with him, and nothing can change my mind. me and him are getting married. so don't even think about it ladies(: I have one sibling, a brother and he's 21.(:
P.S The marriage thing with JB...is just a JOKE! ;)

Do youuu see my posters? ;)
Do youuu see my posters? ;)
Nobody can change meee ;)
Nobody can change meee ;)

Comments • 3

JennHornerCurbstompXd 24 March 2011  
xJennaMariexD 24 March 2011  
Thanks ;)
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